Written by Jack McRae
The western range industry has long demanded a breed of sheep, thick in natural fleshing, producing high quality apparel type wool, and adapted to rugged conditions. Such a breed would contribute to breeding stability and simplify marketing problems with uniform body type and fleece grade. Many sheep breeders thought the ideal range breed would be ¾ fine wool and ¼ long wool breeding. This was commonly called a “come back” sheep.
To fulfill this need the Targhee sheep was developed by the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station at Dubois, Idaho. In 1926 a group of 210 of the experiment station’s cross-bred ewes, consisting of Rambouillet, Lincoln, and Corriedale blood, were bred to nine of the smoothest, thickest experiment station Rambouillet rams. After three years of the program, 201 first generation ewes were carefully selected and bred intensely. These ewes weighed 91 pounds as yearlings after shearing. A wide range of variations were produced in the second and third generations, but careful selection reduced the variations in future generations.
The new breed of sheep was named Targhee after the Targhee National Forest where the sheep grazed during the summer.
The first private individual to breed Targhees was Henry J. Yoppe of Eureka, Montana. He began breeding ¾ crosses in 1929, and in 1934 bought his first Targhee ram from Dubois.
In 1942 Montana State University began a Targhee breeding program and over the next ten years a number of individuals began Targhee breeding programs. This was usually accomplished by sorting a band of Rambouillet, Columbia, or Rambouillet Columbia ewes that met the selection criteria for “Targhee Type” as established by the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station. In large bands this usually resulted in 10% or fewer being kept. Sieben Live Stock Company of Helena, Montana, sorted 12,000 Rambouillet ewes to come up with 800 that met the criteria. These ewes were then crossed with Targhee rams from Dubois. When the Targhee Association was formed it was determined that five generations of top crossing were required to register the sheep. On September 27, 1951 a group of top sheepmen met with the staff of the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station at Dubois and formed the U.S. Targhee Sheep Association. The first officers were: President, G. Curtis Hughes - Stanford, Montana; Vice President, Henry S. Hibbard – Helena, Montana; Directors, Henry J. Yoppe – then of Livingston, Montana; and Leo Pfister – Whitney, Nebraska. At a later meeting Steve Thompson – Heppner, Oregon was elected a Director and Bill Boylan – Bozeman, Montana was appointed Secretary/Treasurer.
In 1966, the books of the association were closed and since that time registered Targhees must be from registered parents. The states with large numbers of Targhees are Montana, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, but there are members in a total of 20 states as well as Canada.

Breed Standards

Lamb Production
Targhee ewes have good mothering and milking ability. Mature Targhee ewes raise a high percentage of twins under range conditions. Targhee ewes excel in pounds of lamb weaned per ewe bred. Lambs at weaning should be thick and in good body condition.

Fleece Production
Mature Targhee ewes shear heavy fleeces with a yield of 5 or 6 pounds of clean scoured wool (10 to 12 pounds of grease wool). Mature Targhee rams shear 8 to 11 pounds of clean scoured wool (16 to 22 pounds of grease wool). Twelve months growth of wool should exceed three inches in length. Desirable Targhee wool is 24.94 to 22.05 microns (@ 60’s to 62’s in spinning count or half blood). The coarsest acceptable micron on the side is 26.39 (58’s). Sheep finer than 22.04 (64’s) are acceptable with sufficient staple length. Fleeces should not vary more than 2.88 microns (2 spinning counts) from side to britch, with 27.84 (56’s) the coarsest acceptable britch. Fleeces should be dense, uniform, and attractive in character.

Size and Weight
The Targhee is a large sheep. Mature rams weigh from 200 to 300 pounds. Breeding ewes weigh from 140 to 200 pounds, depending on feed conditions.

Physical Characteristics
Targhee sheep are a polled (naturally hornless) breed. The horn socket shall be free of any growth that is attached to the skull. Targhees have a bold, strong head type with open faces that are free from wool blindness. The legs are straight with heavy bone. The pasterns are strong and straight.

The Targhee type is broad and smooth with a level top. The rump and leg are well muscled and developed. The ideal Targhee is thick, deep-bodied and free from skin folds.

The color is white and no black or brown color in the fleece will be tolerated. The occurrence of small amounts of black and brown pigment on the face, ears, feet, or lower legs is tolerated, but large amounts of color are objectionable. Any pigment spot should be no larger than the size of a quarter.